May 20, 2009

whatcha doin…

it was 1am when i was awaken with a sound of someone flushing the toilet bowl. must be one of the boys went for a pee. then i heard the shower on and he was taking a bath. hmmm that’s weird… so i waited. when he came out of the bathroom, i crane from my bed…

napa adli mandi..??

huh..?? dah pukul berapa ni mama…

cuba tengok jam…

eh adli ingat dah pukul 6…

dah… pergi tido…

i think it was funny.. hehehe… he thought it was time to go to school.

DSC03178 adli… adli…

ok one problem.. once i woke up, it takes time for me to get back to sleep. *yawn*

May 11, 2009

i can see it...

my appt with the dr last friday, i brought the kids along and they were all excited to see whats on the screen. of course started to ask questions like where is the eyes.. the hands.. the legs..? is it a boy or a girl..? etc.. jenuh la nak menjawab.

the 1st time i was scanned, it was just a bean and here is the latest in my womb. it has grew up to 2.3cm already. alhamdulillah… it grows well according to the weeks and we could even see the heartbeat…


ada la satu hari tu dear hubby kata dia mimpi twins. ish.. susah tu nak dpt twins tapi kalau twins pun best jugak kan.. from hubby’s side, mmg dia ada cousins yg twins so the chances are there but it's 1:100 ye..

back to the pic tu.. can you see the small bubble next to the foetus? aha.. we thought there’s another one.. but it is the placenta. wat suspen jer kann!! yes, at this stage, it has developed to help transfer the nutrients from me to the foetus. so time mcm ni kena la jaga makan..

oh during the time dr N tgh scan my perut, dear hubby buat kelakar la pulak. lupa pasal apa ntah so all of us bantai gelak. bila tgh gelak tu, perut i bergegar so from the monitor screen tu, the womb was like bouncing here and there sampai dr N kata.. kesian baby tu.. terkejut dia.. hehehe..

ok sleep ye baby.. see you in a month... :D

May 5, 2009


my body is rejecting food.. not all but some.

i'm starting to have morning sickness and diarrhoea. i get nausea whenever i brush my teeth and cleanse my face. even after meals, nausea with or without vomitting. what fears me if it happens while dining at a restaurant. ada yang semua lari keluar restoren tu pulak.

when my body cant accept totally some of the food, i'll be sitting in the toilet for quite awhile to get rid of the waste product. when this happen, i have to drink plenty of fluid and this drinking intake makes toilet my regular pit stops pulak.

at work, especially after lunch, i tend to feel very sleepy. so whenever my boss is not around, i will grab a quick nap. tu pun terbabas sampai nak dekat 2 jam. at night pulak, sleeping on my back is no longer comfortable. side position yang best tapi bila nak turn from left to right, kena slow2 kalau tak, ada yang cramp. time2 macam ni ala-ala fragile gitu...

this friday is 2nd visit to my gynae. see how's the fetus is developing at week 9...:D