September 3, 2008

simpliest menu...

as permissible, i left office at 4pm on-the-dot yesterday (lemah gitu nak keje), pick up kids at daycare centre and went to buy kuih-muih at bazaar ramadan sect 6. i let the kids choose what they want but end up tak habis pun. bazir gitu. btw every tuesday and friday, there's a pasar malam at sect 6 market but malas nak rebut2.

after buka, i asked dear hubby what to cook the next day. after much deliberation, we decided the simpliest menu ever. before he left for work, he told me he wont be back till 10pm. so i cooked one dish first and took a rest. at 615pm, i decided to cook another dish and while cooking, hubby smsed " i dah nak naik (komuter). kalau sempat, tlg amik i skrg". acooo.... dear hubby ni mmg suka sgt buat surprise. kelam kabut dibuatnyer. lepas amik dia, singgah lagi bazaar, beli kuih2 dia pulak....

here's my 2nd day dishes...

the simpliest dish sardin...

and hati masak kicap... lbh krg camni la..
(pic courtesy of

this one i didnt get a chance to snap bcoz of that surprise by dear hubby tu kannn... by the time we arrived home, it's time to break fast. so tak ingat apa dah. makan jer..

during the sahur, another deliberation. yes, nak masak pun kena discuss so that everyone mencapai kata sepakat untuk makan... :D

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