on 1st day of september. it's a holiday so our 1st day ramadan was quite relaxing from morning till noon. of course, adam and adli puasa too and they just watched tv but not the whole day la. they had to wash their school shoes and do their tuiton homework. btw, for ramadan month, their normal tuition session postponed from monday to saturday at 1pm - 3pm. usual tuition session is on monday from 7pm - 9pm. time2 ni la org nak berbuka, takan nak tuition kot.
dear hubby had to work so by noon, i sent him to commuter station. we missed him for buka puasa as he finished at 10pm. after sending him, i went to sect 9 to do some work in my car for couple of hours. why sect 9 and why in the car?? well...
1st, i dont have internet connection at home simply bcoz my 10-year old desktop is so unstable. kejap2 hang.. so tak payah la nak berinternet kat rumah.
2ndly, since my office provided me a laptop, i have to bring it home during the weekend (if i rajin) and a must especially when i go for holiday or there's a public holiday bcoz our clients are in SEA region and they dont share same holiday and their requirements need to be provided ASAP.
3rdly, sect 9 starbuck provided free wireless network. since it's puasa kan.. takan la i nak gi masuk starbuck kot. i just find a nice parking spot opposite the starbuck, switch on my laptop, search for wireless network and wallaaaa... i'm connected. sambil2 tu, check la my emails... blog hopping sikit..
i started cooking around 3pm. kononnyer cepat masak, cepat la berehat kan.. but in the mid of cooking, my boss calling2 la pulak from BKK. katanyer urgent matters from our client in BKK need to be settled. dah la time tu hujan lebat, takan la i nak kluar. so i quickly finish my cooking first then borrowed my brother's broadband, which turned out to be sooooo useless... cannot be connected tapi kat desktop dia boleh pulak. pelik.. and terkejar la pulak pegi sect 9 tu.. again buat keje dlm kereta for abt 1 hr.
so for 1st day buka puasa, i managed to cook...
chicken ball soup... (for the kids...)
and pari asam pedas... plus some ulam and sambal tempoyak (no pic ye) alhamdulillah....
time buka tu, i forced my kids to eat kurma ye. at first tak nak but surprisingly they managed to eat/swallow it. for dessert, ice cream with banana split.. yummy...
selamat berbuka....