May 7, 2008

i was tagged... on 15 pet peeves...

wow... 15 pet peeves? i really have to think hard on this.. normally i really dont care so much those that annoys me but i might have some. sweettooth, i'm keeping the ball rolling.. here goes...

1. when people talking during movies and didnt turn off their mobile phones... in cinemas of course!

2. when people talk so loud in public, whether on mobile phone or with somebody... hello!! best sgt ke your conversation tu..

3. when people show up late, unless with really good reasons.. but still, i hate waiting...

4. when drivers tail closely behind my car. i tekan break baru tau...

5. when people spit through their car windows or by roadside and everywhere. eeeuuuwwww... very uncivilize ok!!!

6. when people litter, especially while driving. just trash it in the car till you find dustbin la...

7. when mat rempit or drivers with loud engines go racing in middle of the night, especially near housing area... feel like shooting them all...

8. when ordering food, especially at mamaks, they dont write but memorise it, and keep coming back repeating the orders and then wrong food served... duh!! dah la orang tengah lapar...

9. when parents just let their kids scream or cry out loud in a mall or restaurant and do nothing...

10. when bunch of guys go 'pheewiiiitttt' or whistling at girls... please la, that's not the way to treat girls/ladies/women... bear in mind ok guys!!!

11. when some people like to interfere in other people's life... kecoh la!!

12. when some people elaborating in their presentation by telling unimportant facts.. suka cakap meleret-leret.. just get straight to the point la...

13. when people block ways/aisles with their trolleys in hypermarkets, to look or read the labels of the goods. sila peka dgn sekeliliang anda ok...

14. when the salesperson keep following me in shops/stores. ok's part of your job but please do keep a distance or i'll call you when i need assistance ok..

15. when i see guys with nose hair sticking out... please trim them. i tak sanggup nak tengok...

ok.. i'm done!! please feel free to do this tag ok everyone...


Sweettooth said... jugak kan lepas geram mcm ni? thanx for doing it ;)

eyna said...

lepas geram versi blog... thanks for tagging me...